The Hedon Empire
A once advanced civilisation, the Hedon Empire discovered the pleasures that could be experience while abusing the Power. As the population indulged in their new habit, they neglected the tasks needed to ensure the continuance of their society. Centuries of decadence led to the loss of the skills and materials needed to produce many of the goods they needed to survive along with the luxuries they craved.
While the wealthy sold their possessions to maintain their lifestyles, the poor were pressed into military service in return for some of the 'necessities' they desired. Those soldiers were then used to raid other worlds for the luxuries their masters sought. Over time the military came to view even necessities as luxuries to be earned while their masters kept the majority of the spoils for themselves.
While a lack of training has meant that the highly expendable military have very few skills, their leaders have used the Power do unlock abilities previously unseen by their race. Their addiction to the Power is such that using their abilities brings unimaginable pleasure and the more draining and abhorrent the act, the greater the pleasure they experience.
Mark Kinega and Jeff Kincaid encountered the Hedon Empire while tracking down Jeff's missing girlfriend.

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